Thursday, November 8, 2012

Seven Days of Olivia Rae... Day 7

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Olivia Rae!
Happy Birthday to YOU!

Today we celebrated LIFE!  On the day after a crazy election and much anxiety, we rejoiced in much more than politics!  We rejoiced in a Maker and Sustainer who saw it fit to breathe life into Olivia Rae Bassett and to choose Justin and I as her parents and Elizabeth and Elaine as her sisters!  We rejoiced in the Provider God who has given us everything we have needed to take care of  Olivia and so much more.  We rejoiced in  our King who reigns supreme over Olivia's life.  We rejoiced in the Prince of Peace who grants rest to our sweet girl when she is weary and the same to her family.  We rejoiced in Emmanuel who is ever-present and near in our home as we raise our family.  We rejoiced in our great Redeemer who is able to take our feeble attempts at loving and discipling Olivia and use them to draw her near to Himself. We rejoiced in El Roi, God who sees the beginning and end and has good planned for Olivia through it all.  We rejoiced in our ROCK who has given us a firm place to stand as we have tread uncharted waters for our family.   We rejoiced in our Savior, thankful for our salvation and hopeful for that gift for Olivia.

We had a fun and relaxing day just enjoying Olivia!  We had confetti pancakes for breakfast, mac and cheese for lunch and Chic Fil A for dinner... Now if that doesn't say celebration, I don't know what does!  
The girls and I took Olivia out for some pictures this afternoon... I thought having pretty water fountains in the background would be cool.  Liv thought they were cool too... to look at:) Photographer fail!  Oh well, we had fun and I got a few good ones:)
*The awesome birthday ensemble is compliments of Grammy!
**My favorites from the day are the sequence with Lizzie and Liv... oh goodness that relationship is something special!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babies in tutu's are the best!