Thursday, November 15, 2007

14 Months

This month has been a blast and exhausting all at the same time! Elizabeth has this walking thing down and is FAST! She is most times a woman on a mission and knows exactly what she wants. My sweet girl is like her mommy and enjoys food very much. Today, she walked to the refrigerator, opened the door, took out a yogurt and walked to her chair where she said please. She is also like Justin and me in that she LOVES to be outside! She realizes that Kyleigh scratches the door when she wants to go out, so she has begun just going to the back door and tapping on it while signing please. She used to just sit and play with a few toys in the yard while I fixed dinner. This is no longer an option, as she has figured out how to climb up into our patio chairs and stand up in them.
A few things she loves these days... brushing her teeth:), bath time, climbing of any sort, getting the mail (we have a mail shoot, so she doesn't even have to leave the house!), "talking" on the phone, shoes, books, the number 2, kisses, watching football, and playing with Kyleigh.
We are working on "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!" She has pretty much got it down but refuses to perform when I really want her to do it! We'll see if we can get our little turkey on video though!

Those sweet baby blues are just too sweet, I know!

After a successful climbing effort!

Snugly and warm for a walk.
Did I mention the girl likes shoes? Any kind really, but Daddy has some pretty big shoes to fill!
All that mess making of which you see evidence in the background works up an appetite.
After taking out the box of Os from her cabinet and extracting the bag from the box, she was ready to EAT!

Some kids like a rocking chair or a bean bag. Not Elizabeth; she feels most secure in her own little box. She crawled in all by herself and was really quite content!
One last happy girl after a long chilly walk!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A quarter of a century!

It's true! On Monday, my precious hubby turned 25 years old! Not a big milestone to many, but in my book it deserves merit. In Justin's 25 years, God has done an amazing work in his life. I have been blessed to walk through life with him as a friend, girlfriend, fiance, and wife for over 6 of those years, and it has been incredible! God's work in Justin's life is something to be celebrated!
In the past year, God has grown Justin into an awesome Daddy who really is a great example to Elizabeth of our loving Heavenly Father. He can somehow make her giggle in a way no one else can. He cheers her on and rejoices in her accomplishments. He lets her explore and yet protects her from danger. Her face lights up in his presence as does his in hers. Watching them together makes my heart melt! A few of their favorite things to do together are... Sonic dates, floor snuggle time, chill in the backyard, watch football and ride the rocking horse (Eliz rides, Daddy makes the horse go crazy!).

As for Justin as my husband, he has really been great about protecting our relationship in the chaos of our lives. Between parenting, seminary, the money job and being a pastor at CityView, time together can be a commodity! However, he has truly been steadfast about guarding our alone time and seeing that our marriage is a priority. If that is a simple walk together in the evening, a special date night, or a surprise get away to celebrate our "dating anniversary," he takes good care of me and reminds me often of his love for me! Even in small ways like humoring me by watching The Biggest Loser with me or taking our own picture the old fashioned way (see below), he forsakes his own desires for mine. What a prince!
I love him like crazy and am so thankful that God called us together as husband and wife. I can imagine no one more perfect to walk this journey alongside. Happy birthday my love!