Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

On Monday, my friend, Laura, called and asked if we could get a babysitter for the night. Her husband's friend at work had just offered him four tickets to the Rangers game! Even on such short notice, Elizabeth's Aunt Jenn gladly accepted some time with her favorite niece (only until Elaine arrives, then they have to share her)! Elizabeth woke up this morning asking for Aunt Jenn, so I am guessing they had a pretty good time!
We enjoyed dinner at Pei Wei and then headed off to the game to sit on row 11 behind home plate- AWESOME SEATS! It was a great game, and it was especially nice to just have some good grown up time with my hubby!

Thanks Greg and Laura and Aunt Jenn!


Sarah said...

okay so i am a few posts behind.
first of all--love the new header. is that the work of the Mr. Bassett?? lovely.
secondly--that pic of the three (four) of you with the dog and Elizabeth laughing is just about the most precious thing i have ever seen.
and last--i have never seen a cuter baby than Elizabeth. she is beautiful. you two are going to have your hands full with these beauties come high school. i mean, really, look at those eyes!!

okay love you bunches!!
tell Elaine hi from Aunt Sarah!!

Christine Hoover said...

Elizabeth is the cutest thing I have ever seen....maybe I need to go for a girl! And you look really great for being so close to having a baby...I can't tell from the pictures at all. Can't wait to see another beautiful Bassett baby girl.