Saturday, May 10, 2008

Celebrate Good Times!

There has been a lot to celebrate in the Bassett house this week!

The first bit of good news came on Wednesday... As of May 27th, Justin will be the new Director of Business Development at AM Design, an interactive design company that does web development, print pieces, cd cover art, etc. This is a HUGE answer to prayer and incredibly exciting for our family. As a pastor in a church plant, Justin is not yet on the payroll, so being bivocational is necessary. For the past two years, Justin has daily gone to a job that hasn't challenged him, used his giftedness, or been fun, because he loves Elizabeth and me and knew that it was what he needed to do to take care of us. Now that is LOVE! It gives me great joy to know that he will now be doing something he really enjoys and is great at! Thank you God for providing this great new opportunity!

We had a great dinner at Outback to celebrate, compliments of Nana and PawPaw!

In other news, as of today, we have 4 weeks until baby Elaine's due date! Elizabeth recently visited Dr. Deem with me, and after she understood that she wasn't at her doctor, she really enjoyed it! When Dr. Deem asked me about the baby, Elizabeth lifted up her shirt and pointed out her "baby" which is actually just a good case of toddler belly! The most excitement came when we heard Elaine's heartbeat. Now, every time we talk about Elaine or Elizabeth gives her kisses, she talks about her "heart heart". Elizabeth is going to be such a great big sis! I start going to the doctor weekly from here on, so we will keep you posted!

Lastly, in case you haven't heard, this is Mother's Day weekend! I have felt well loved today by all of the hugs and kisses and time to rest, as well as an early gift of a new digital camera! I can't really take a picture of it, but it is pink and quite an upgrade from my old one! I am excited to learn all about it and put it to good use.

Here are a few of our learning photos!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Justin!

And Happy Mother's Day, Ang!

Fun things happening in the Bassett home...I'm ready for Elaine to join the fun. Four more weeks? Seriously?!

Love you guys!