Thursday, May 15, 2008

20 Months!

Elizabeth Grace is 20 months old, and this will likely be the last "monthly update" before she is a big sister! This month her vocabulary has exploded, and she loves to show off all she knows. She is putting together several-word phrases and her words are becoming more understandable to people outside of Justin and me. This explosion has led to Elizabeth very clearly stating her distaste for certain things, so we are working on "No, thank you." She has also picked up on at least half of the letters in the alphabet and points them out whenever she sees them, whether on billboards, in books, on a t-shirt, or on a cereal box. Most letters also have a word that goes with them; I think her favorites are "E for Elizabeth" and "K for Kyleigh!" She has mastered all of her puzzles and loves taking care of her babies. This week she got to go for a family walk without the stroller and made it all the way to Sonic and back (about half a mile) without us having to carry her! Of course there was a stop for refueling with some yummy Sonic ice! Lately her hugs and snuggles have been extra sweet; I think she can sense that something crazy is going to happen soon. We are so thankful for Elizabeth and the light she brings to each day!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

20 months. I think I'm in denial.

That picture melts my heart. Those eyes! Elaine is going be every bit as gorgeous as Lizzie Grace. :)