Monday, March 17, 2008

3 Years, 18 Months, 28 Weeks

This past week marked 3 years of marriage for Justin and me, 18 months of life in this world for Elizabeth Grace and 28 weeks of my pregnancy!

For our anniversary, Justin and I went out to Rockfish for a nice date (Thanks Momma and Daddy!), went and picked out a new kitchen table (a very grown up purchase), and completed the evening at Babies R Us testing out double strollers (where the nice lady assured me this stroller was great fro TWIN babies- and Justin assured me I did NOT look that big)! It is amazing what God has done and how much things have changed in our three years of marriage. We had a great time celebrating eachother and how He has grown us tremendously in our time together!
This pretty little girl is about to go get her 18 month pictures taken. However, a severe case of bed head and the remains of her peanut butter topped blueberry waffle called for a bath before the main event!
She cleaned up nicely, and the results were just precious! Elizabeth wore her beautiful dress that Daddy bought her and smiled like a champ! Nana and I practiced self control though and only purchased the $9.95 package which comes with more pictures than we have friends! May I recommend Portrait Innovations for your next photo shoot! They do a great job and are cheap... if you have a little self control:)

As for baby news, I go to the Dr. tomorrow for my lovely glucose test. Yea for drinking a half liter of overly sweet Gatorade! We will keep you posted.


Kristie said...

I love you guys. :)

Matt and Sarah Pitts said...

Keep up the blogging! Also, we would love to hang out with you guys soon too! Maybe we can have a hang out with the Crawfords too! It is still so funny to me to see you guys in each other's blogs...I love how the Lord works so sovereignly!