Saturday, March 23, 2013

Preparing for Holy Week

Last year, as Holy Week approached, I realized that I needed a visual for the events of the week.  I sat down with Justin's ESV Study Bible and Google and got busy documenting what the week leading up to the cross and the empty tomb entailed.  During Holy Week we discussed and read about the events of the day and often illustrated or did an activity that corresponded with the day.  I recently posted a pic of my very simple construction paper (maybe someday I will have the time to be fancy!) journey to Easter on Facebook and received a few requests for the content.  I took a little time and typed everything out, including references, to share, in case this would be helpful in pointing your family to Jesus as you anticipate Easter.  Please keep in mind that I am NOT at Bible scholar, my list is not exhaustive, and many of the events are estimated days that could have taken place slightly earlier or later than noted.  Also feel free to correct me if you find a blatant error on my part!
It is my prayer that we will all know Christ and the power of His resurrection more this season!

Holy Week Events:

Palm Sunday:
-Jesus’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19: 28-40, John 12:12-19)
-Jesus weeps over the city of Jerusalem. (Luke 19:41-44)
-Jesus clears the temple. (Matt. 21:12-16, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 19:45-48)
-Jesus curses the fig  tree. (Matt. 18-19, Mark 11:12-14)
-Disciples see the withered fig tree on the return to Jerusalem. (Matt. 21:20-22, Mark 11:20-21)
-Jesus’s authority is questioned by the Sanhedrin. (Matt. 21:23-27, Mark 11:27-33, Luke 20:1-8)
-Jesus teaches in parables. (Matt. 21:28-22:14, 25:1-30,  Mark 12:1-12, Luke 20:9-18)
-Jesus teaches on the Mt. of Olives. (Matt. 24:1-25:46, Mark 12:1-37, Luke 21:5-36)
-Judas agrees to betray Jesus (Matt. 26:14-16, Mark 14:10-11)
-Plot to kill Jesus (Matt. 26:3-5, Mark 14:1-2, Luke 22:1-2)
-Jesus continues to teach in the temple (Luke 21:37-38)
-Preparations for the Passover (Matt. 26:17-19, Mark 14:12-16, Luke 22:7-13)
-Last Supper (Passover) with Jesus and his disciples (Matt. 26:20-35, Mark 14:43-52, Luke 22:14-30)
-Jesus washes his disciples’ feet (see above)
-Jesus speaks to his disciples about what is to come (John 13:1-17:26)
-Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46)
-Betrayal and arrest of Jesus (Matt. 26:47-56, Mark 14:43-52, Luke 22:47-53, John 18:2-12)
-Jesus tried by Jewish and Roman authorities (Matt. 26:57-27:14, Mark 14:32-15:15, Luke 22:54-23:12, John 18:13-24
-Jesus is flogged and mocked (see above)
-The crowd rejects Jesus (see above)
-Jesus is crucified –approx 9am-3pm (Matt. 27:27-54, Mark 15:6-15, Luke 23:13-25, John 18:28-19:16)
-Jesus is buried (Matt. 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-54, John 19:38-42)
(Blank page, because no recorded events occurred)
EASTER Sunday:
-Jesus is ALIVE! He beat sin and death! 
-Empty Tomb Witnesses (Matt. 28:1-8, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12)
-Resurrection Appearances (Matt. 28:9-20, Mark 16:9-20, Luke 24:13-53, John 20:1-21:25)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, it's Natalie. I know we don't have children yet, but excited to share this with Travis. Also, this is me inviting myself to your house to meet your goats (geets?). I have no shame. :)