Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's True! Elaine is TWO!

On Memorial Day, May 31, Elaine Karis Bassett turned 2! It was fun to have her special day on a a holiday; we took it easy most of the day. We enjoyed donuts together as a family, and then we headed to Petsmart to purchase Lainie's birthday present, 2 African Dwarf Frogs, who she named Jett and Juliet:). Since then, they have been renamed Uno and Dos. We celebrated with a few friends and family that afternoon with a Puppy Party for our little lady.

At age 2 Elaine is a spunky girl who adds incredible amounts of JOY to our days. She loves to sing and dance and to entertain anyone who will humor her. Lainie's favorite song to sing is "Hallelujah all I have is Christ," and I can't help but smile each time she belts it out or I hear her singing it in bed before she drifts off to sleep. She is becoming responsible; Elaine puts her dirty clothes in the hamper, throws away trash, fills her own purse with diapers and wipes when we are going somewhere, picks out her clothes and dresses herself, and is now letting me know when she needs to go poop on the potty! She is still very strong willed, but is beginning to self monitor. Yesterday, I guess she thought she needed a timeout for some reason, so she went in her room, closed the door, stayed for a minute or so and then exited yelling "Elaine O-BEY!"

Elaine loves Elizabeth, and it is precious to see their relationship growing. She still has yet to sleep in her big girl bed in Lizzie's room, but she has gotten closer by laying in it with all of her nighttime things. Eventually I suppose...

Lainie's communication is excellent compared to a few months ago! If you consider context you can almost always understand her. She is beginning to add in the smaller words of sentences and use possessives correctly.

The water is a favorite for Elaine, and with her "swim sweater" on, she is a happy woman in the pool! On Father's Day when we got to my Granny's, she informed me, "Lainie no eat. Swim sweater on and swim!"

Girly Girl still describes our sweet girl well. Nail polish, my high heels, sparkly make up and her crown make Elaine very happy:) We are working on her colors, but to date most things are PINK!

Her taste is indicative of her personality... I had some Altoids in purse, and Elaine requested one. I told her they were spicy and that she would not like them. To cement my point, I gave her one to taste- she LOVED it! Now, Altoids are called "Mommy's Spicies" and asked for frequently.

Hard to believe it has been 2 years- we love you like crazy Elaine Karis and are so thankful for the spice you bring to our family!!!!!
Still my "baby girl" at bed time- Lainie loves her pink "ba" and Lamb Chop!
Pink Cupcakes... the Bassett family tradition!
After her first slip n slide experience

Snuggled up with Sissy and Daddy for song time
My Little Lady

Lainie loves her Nana and PawPaw!

Not even sure what is going on here, but Elaine is always doing something to make us laugh:)

Meet Uno and Dos!
Summer Time! Popsicles shared with Sissy:)


Unknown said...

Uno and Dos! So funny....have they gotten into any more fights? :)

Love Lainie's obsession with her wipes. Cracks me up!

Can't believe Lainie-Bop is TWO! What a big girl!

The Campbell Family said...

Such a cute little girl!! Love all the pictures! Night time sleepy ones are so precious! :)