Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Taber!

Today is my precious friend Taber's birthday, and I just want to celebrate her a bit, so here we go!
As an only child I think I have always been extra thankful for girlfriends. God has given me the perfect friends for the perfect seasons of my life, and this season is no different.
A little over 4 years ago, Taber and I met at a birthday party (birthday palooza) where we were given the task of decorating with crepe paper- we made a great team:) When we left that party, I predicted to Justin that she was pregnant or would be soon- she was and didn't even know it yet! Since then, God has been faithful to grow Taber and I as friends, to allow us to share a gate between our backyards, and to let us walk/ run/ trudge through life together. Here are a few things I love about my sweet friend...
Taber is quick to listen and respond with Truth.
Taber loves her husband and her children well.
Taber knows how to make me laugh.
Taber is passionate about the Church.
Taber serves her friends well.
Taber challenges me.
Taber desires for Jesus to be made much of in every area of her life.
Taber is honest.
Taber cries with me and reminds me I don't have to "be strong".
Taber loves Sonic more than I do:)
Taber is generous.
Taber knows that her life is not her own and desires God use her as He pleases for His glory!

I love Taber and am so thankful that God has given Justin and I such precious friends in the Crawford Family! Here are a few pics to recount the fun we had together over the 4th of July!


Kristie said...

Too sweet! So thankful you have Taber too! And I really love Lizzie/Addie stories!

So was it a particular conversation that caused you to predict she would end up pregnant? Or did your brain just come up with it on your own? Just curious. :)

theblans said...

Such a sweet friendship! So glad you have each other. And Happy Birthday, Taber!

Unknown said...

You are P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S. and such a good writer! You make me sound WAY better than could ever be! Love you so much, my life partner! ;) hee, hee