Wednesday, February 9, 2011

11 in 11 Update (plus some pics)

We are almost six weeks into 2011, so I thought I would give a little update on how my 11 in 11 challenge is going.

1. Rise and Read- Unfortunately this has not been as easy to get back into the habit of! Elaine has decided to visit our bed several times a night many nights of the week, and it has been tough to get up before the girls. However, I have enjoyed Bible reading injected into many other parts of my day like while blow drying my hair, during the girls' rest time and before bed. While I would still love to be getting up early and preparing for my day by being in the word, I am thankful for the good time I have had to read and pray and meditate as I go through my day.

2. Teaching Domesticity- This has actually been great! My bathroom has stayed clean for the past six weeks, our bed has been made most days, the living room and kitchen have been neater, and overall, order has returned to our days. Sunday morning I timed my bathroom tidying and making my bed; it took 2 minutes total! I realized that I had fallen into a lie that I was too busy to do those things or that something else was more important. CityView was not going to fall apart if I was two minutes later, but my husband would be blessed to come home to a clean room and bathroom.
The girls have taken notice too:) Elaine is a great help at making the bed and knows where everything goes around the house. Elizabeth has a great desire to help where she can and to be on board with my plan.

3. 1 on 1s- Justin had a great time taking Lizzie to get a birthday present for a friend and to the party. He commented on how fun it was to just be the two of them. Lizzie felt extra special too! Lainie and I enjoyed Souper Salad one day while Lizzie was at school. I sought to just ask her questions and let her talk about whatever she wanted to. We talked about her favorite colors (pink and purple), her friends, and the songs she loves (Oh No You Never Let Go and Grace Greater). We had a good time just chatting.

4. Project Restoration- Justin completed our bedside tables with new hardware and a dark stain. They look great and pull our bedroom together! I have all of the materials for the entry way bench. My assistant (My MIL) was unable to come over last week because of the weather, so hopefully we can get it done next week.

5. World Focus- This has been awesome! So far we have prayed for North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Maldives, and Yemen. My research has been eye opening for myself and for the girls.
This has been something that I have been able to share with our CityKids ministry at church, and the kids there have also connected with it. I may start posting my weekly country profile on here if anyone would like to join us.

6. Project Organization- I mentioned it earlier, but my bathroom is pretty awesome these days. The organization there has made it so much more pleasant! In the living room Kyleigh's toys got a basket as did our books and remotes. This just declutters things and makes me happy! There are still some closets that need a good clean out, but I am feeling good about progress in this area.

7. Redemption- Oh my goodness! I cannot tell you how fantastic this study has been. I really wish EVERYONE had the opportunity to walk through this material with a godly group of men or women. God is opening my eyes to my sin and growing in me a heart that grieves my sin and has a greater view of Christ and the Cross.

8. Take Care of Me- So far so good here! Face creams have been applied most mornings and nights, makeup has been put on in my clean bathroom rather than in my car on most days, I have spent some time just being rather than always rushing from one activity to another, and I am hoping to cash in on one of my massages next week:)

9. Helpmate- Hmmm, I guess I should let Justin update this category:) There has definitely been a season of learning what it looks like for him to be working from home, but I think we are figuring it out. He has knocked it out of the park with NewCoast Media, and I am so proud of him! I hope I have been an encouragement to him a helper.

10. Spontaneous Fun- I would say we have had a lot of fun lately! Probably our most spontaneous adventure was taking the TRE train from NRH to downtown Ft Worth for dinner, Barnes and Noble and Subway cookies. The girls LOVED the experience!!!!

11. Follow Through- I have enjoyed the challenge and appreciated the accountability of those of you who have asked me how things are going. By no means have I been perfect in my endeavors, but I have grown and been stretched in some much needed ways!

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