Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I LOVE Lizzie Grace!

It is insane that my Lizzie Grace is growing up so quickly! We have so much fun together, and I am excited to see who God is shaping her to be. Last week was a big week for Elizabeth as far as accomplishments go, so I must share!

On Tuesday, Elizabeth figured out how to swing herself! She has been trying so hard, because a little over a month ago Addie got it. I was inside attempting my first homemade alfredo sauce (that's another story... ), so Taber opened up the gate and Lizzie went over to play with Addie. When I came to a stopping point I headed over, and there she was just swinging away! Hooray for Lizzie! Since then, she happily goes out back and swings for long periods of time- the independence is BIG!
On Thursday, Lizzie and I successfully completed our first 150 piece puzzle together (Lizzie's purchase from our neighbors' garage sale). It was a good time to just chat with her and watch her little brain work as she did a lot of the puzzle on her own. I had forgotten how relaxing jigsaw puzzles are- we may have to invest in a few more!
Also on Thursday, I bought the first set of Bob Books at Costco with the hope of starting them in the next month or so with Elizabeth. She, like her Momma, cannot wait to open new things, so right after rest time, we dug in! On Thursday alone Elizabeth read Mat, Sam, and Dot. With very minimal help, Lizzie read and understood what she was reading! So proud of her!!!! I'm really not pushing her to practice but encouraging her to do her best when she does read. Challenge is good for Elizabeth, and I am looking forward to watching her grow in her love for books and reading!

I love you Lizzie Grace and I celebrate your accomplishments! I love to watch you learn new things... and to be super silly too!


Kristie said...

Way to go, Lizzie Grace! What a BIG girl!!!

Loved my super sweet text from her earlier...y'all are raising up an amazing little lady!

Unknown said...

She's getting way too big and way too smart! How can we slow time down??? Love Lizzie Grace! And SOOO proud of the swinging!

The Campbell Family said...

What a smart young lady you have there! I have always thought Elizabeth looked like a replica of you, Ang- but I'm starting to see more of Justin in her in these latest pics! Precious mixture! :)

The Stikos said...

Oh my goodness; she's getting so big! :D