Monday, March 8, 2010

21 Months

Elaine Karis is now 21 months old and the precious comic relief in our family! While she is strong willed and will likely cause me to go crazy one of these days, she is the perfect fit in our family and we could not be more thankful for her!

A typical day for Elaine begins after 12-13 hours of sleep around 9:00. (yes, I know this makes some of you jealous!) Upon waking, she insists on putting all of her bedtime things (paci, lamb chop and lovie blanket) in her bag attached to her bed. Then, the battle begins as we "discus" what she will wear for the day; the girl is PICKY! I am learning to pick my battles, but some days I fight a little harder than others. Once she has put on her clothes it is time for breakfast, and Elaine loves her breakfast! It is not abnormal for this little lady to put down 2 adult servings of oatmeal ("mo-mo") on a normal morning, but she insists that it be doctored up with butter and milk ("budda" & "muhl"). Although Elaine still is developing a lot of her consonant sounds, she can communicate what she wants or doesn't want very clearly!! After breakfast and getting her hair fixed, Elaine will likely be found playing with her babies, farm animals, or little kitchen, or bugging Kyleigh, or trying to do whatever Lizzie is doing. She will almost always request a snack midmorning to keep that crazy metabolism going; cheese, clementine oranges, and graham crackers remain faves. If it is nice out, we spend as much time as possible outside- thankfully this time is becoming more frequent as spring approaches! Lunch for Elaine almost always includes peanut butter- not on bread or crackers, but on a spoon! If I am eating soup or a wrap, she will often request several bites, but doesn't take much interest if I give her her own. After lunch Elaine goes down for a good at least 2 hour nap and wakes up to happily "help" me with dinner, the dishes, and other cleaning around the house. She loves to mop, sweep, empty the dishwasher, throw away trash, move laundry from the washer to the dryer, and tidy up by taking things to their appropriate "homes". Elaine doesn't typically eat much dinner unless lasagna or black beans are served, but she enjoys the conversation and "amening" after we pray. After dinner bath time with Lizzie is lots of fun! Following another battle on which jammers she will wear, dance party with Lizzie begins. Once the dancing has calmed down and her teeth have been thoroughly brushed (still a fave), we usually read a book or two before we head to her room and sing as a family. Lainie goes down without a fight by this point because of the exhaustion of a busy day! I too am ready for bed by this time! We love our silly girl!

The tongue is a Lainie trademark, especially when she is concentrating!
Yes, she know she is cute!!


Unknown said...

Cute, she is! I also stuck my tongue out while concentrating. She's in good company. :)

The Campbell Family said...

I can't wait until we have a good routine... working on it. Elaine is such a cutie! Love ya Ang!

Unknown said...

She is for sure a cutie!!! Little stinker... :)

Rachel said...

She is so cute. Her day sounds remarkably like Annalise's :) though we are just getting into the picky-clothes situation. Her eating habits are also similar--black beans and spaghetti are her two favorite foods!

The Mosiers said...

So cute!!! She and Cade would be great snack buddies, clementines and grahams are faves in our house as well.