Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pictures- what you really want!

After bath pics are some of my faves, and I realized that we don't have too many of Elaine! The flower towel is a definite fave too!

So, about a week ago, I asked Taber to borrow a pan, and we were looking for it in her kitchen. When we came outside, we found Elaine SOAKING WET and two little girls standing over her with watering cans! Lizzie and Addie had been "watering Elaine!" Now Elaine is no pushover- she lets you know when she doesn't like something, and we hadn't heard a peep out of her. Lizzie and Addie did both get timeouts though and were threatened that this should NEVER happen again. Here is my soaked little girl.
Although she can walk now, the grass just feels too good not to crawl, crawl, crawl!

Elizabeth and Elaine
Lizzie really likes her hat... Elaine wouldn't keep a hat on if we duck taped it to her head!!Lizzie was sitting at her table eating lunch, when Elaine decided to join her. Lizzie shared her sandwich, and they were quite content for a good while! I hope this is a good indication of their future bond!
Lainie loves to snuggle, and Lizzie loves to give hugs- great combo!

Lizzie has a really cool Daddy who asked her on a date to the Rangers game and gave her this awesome new shirt to wear to the game! The only problem was that Lizzie is in her I ONLY WANT TO WEAR DRESSES phase:) The only way I could get her to put it on was to promise she could wear whatever she wanted to bed, and she didn't forget! She wore one of her prettiest dresses to sleep last night. However, she did have a change of heart on the shirt and wants to wear it again today.
Every Tuesday night at the Ballpark, kids get in for free! This was Lizzie's first baseball game, other than the CityView softball games where she just gets to run around with all of the other kiddos. Justin said she did well, but after the 6th inning, she said, "Daddy, I'm all done playing baseball." Thankfully I had thrown a few books in the backpack which carried them through another couple of innings!
Blake and Lana are in our CityView lifegroup (we meet at their home). We love the Clark family! Blake and his wife Erin are also Aggies, so we have that common bond as well!
I think Lana and Lizzie did quite a bit of entertaining eachother too! It looks like everyone had a great time!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Love it!

I have a feeling Lanie is in for some more "watering" type experiences from Lizzie and Addie. So funny!