Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another reason I love my two year old...

She can go from this....

to this in a matter of minutes!

Oh the infinite joys of being a little girl! Dress up is a daily occurrence, pink is her favorite color, the "Barbie song" is sung so often that I catch myself singing this catchy tune, and she wants to be like Mommy! What a huge responsibility and blessing to raise a precious little girl in the ways of the Lord.

Recent quote:
Lizzie-"Mommy I like Jesus better than God."
Me-"Well, Lizzie, they are actually the same." (Thinking oh wow, am I going to have to begin explaining the trinity to a two year old!)
Lizzie- "Oh, Okay." (Ahhhh, that child-like faith!)


The Campbell Family said...

So precious! :) Love the dress up picture! :) We are currently looking at homes in Grand Prairie for a possible late May early June move. Get excited!!! :)

MMm&m said...

Ang! I have given you an award....go check out our blog to "get" it! Love you, and love more precious pics of that precious girl!

Kristie said...

Love it. I'm so glad she wants to be like you...you're pretty spectacular. :)