About a week ago, we were sitting at the table for lunch, and I decided to cut an apple cross ways to show her the star inside. Here is how this chat went.
Me: Look Lizzie!
Elizabeth: Wow! It says Wal Mart!
Me: Huh? (Looking for a sticker or something stuck on the apple) What do you mean sweetie?
Elizabeth: Right there Mommy, it says Wal Mart. (pointing directly to the star)
Me: The star? (Long pause to contemplate) OH! The star looks like the symbol on the Wal Mart bags!
Elizabeth: Yes Mommy! It says Wal Mart!
Me: You are so smart Lizzie Grace!
Two weeks ago we had arrived at church early, so I could get some work done in the office. Elizabeth has made herself at home at CityView's new building, and she just goes her own way as soon as we walk through the doors. Our friends Scott and Rebecca were there too, and according to Scott, this is how his conversation with Elizabeth went.
Scott: Hi Elizabeth! What do you have there?
Elizabeth: (waving an American flag) It's mommy's flag.
Scott: Oh, what is mommy's flag doing?
Elizabeth: I am waving it for Barak Obama!
(She has an obsession with saying his name. I am guessing she equated the flag with all of the recent inauguration events, but really, who knows!!)
We love Elizabeth so very much! I pray that we are able to steer this precious mind in such a way that she honors Jesus with everything in her.
Current Favorites:
Candy Lane (aka Candy Land)- somehow she always wins!!
Teaching Elaine new words:)
Cinderella- we have multiple versions of the book. we get to read them all often!
Clifford books- they are easy readers, so she "reads" them quite well!
Spelling- S-T-O-P stop! G-O go! R-E-D red! she asks how to spell just about every word she sees/hears
Waking up at 7:00!- What happened to our 13 hour a night sleeper? Something flipped, and regardless of how long her nap is or what time she goes down, between 7 and 7:30 a sweet little muchkin hops into our room saying "Good MORNING!"
So precious! I love the apple story. Too cute! We started a blog last night, so you will have to check it out and help me with little technical things, for instance how do I list the blogs that we follow?? We can be found at mikeandemilycampbell.blogspot.com :) Have a great week!
Barack Obama? Seriously? That's stinking hilarious. I love her to pieces. :)
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