Wednesday, October 1, 2008

4 Months

Elaine is a growing girl! She is so stinkin' cute and just makes us smile (when she isn't spitting up everything she just ate)! A visit to the doctor shows that my little spitter is by no means missing out. She weighed in at 13 lb 7 oz, right at the 50th percentile and measured 24.5'', in the 71st percentile. Overall, she is "perfect" according to Dr. Scroggie! She has mastered rolling over both ways and actually prefers her tummy. My guess is she will be crawling much sooner than Elizabeth did because of this; she is already trying to get her knees up under her! A visit from my friend Erin today with her little crawler showed me we have a lot of baby proofing to do before that happens! She has discovered her feet and thinks they are pretty wonderful. She also has gotten the hang of thumb sucking but still prefers the paci when it's available Some of her favorites include her animal mat, being outside, her lovie, her turtle, and the tag blanket I finally finished for her. She is extremely cold natured; she sleeps in a footed sleeper and a sleep sack and is perfectly happy:) Elaine is sleeping about 10-11 hours at night and eating every 3-4 hours during the day. It looks like we will be adding veggies and fruits soon- time to get the blender and ice cube trays out! It is hard to believe it is already time! She is finally liking bath time, and I snapped a few fun pics of her in her bath robe this week. I mean really... a baby in a bath robe- just too cute!


Kristie said...

Yes, I'm definitely going to have to make a trip out to Keller sometime next week since I'll be on "extended vacation" and all. You game? :)

Too precious!!! I miss living 5 minutes away from you guys!

The Campbell Family said...

Aww she looks so precious in her little robe!! You and Justin sure made two adorable little girls! Hope you have a great week! Love ya, Emily

MMm&m said...

SO...I've been terrible at keeping up with you, but I am so glad for the update! Happy Birthday to Miss Elizabeth and love to all!!! Miss yall!

Ally said...

I love that robe! What a beautiful family!