Monday, September 8, 2008

3 Months

Well, this is the first of a series of new updates. Elaine gets precedence, because she is changing so much each day, that if I wait any longer, I am going to miss more fun things!
She turned 3 months on August 31 and is just too cute! She is very social and smiles most of the time. She has started to "talk" a lot and you can tell she is quite proud of herself! Another big accomplishment in Elaine's life has been rolling over! She rolled from front to back several weeks ago, but on Saturday, she woke up from her nap very frantic, and when I went in to get her, I found her on her tummy! She has done it a couple of times since, and today she finally showed off, so now I know it wasn't the roll over fairy- she has skills! Adding to the list, Elaine now eats like a big girl- rice cereal! She had been sleeping 10-11 hours at night, and all of a sudden she began waking after only 6 or 7 hours. She would just eat and go right back to sleep, so I decided she was hungry and needed a little more than mommy milk. The cereal has done the trick, and she is back to her 10 or 11 hours! Her tummy still bothers her if she doesn't get her medicine, and she is still quite the spitter (so I am quite the laundry woman and smell of sour milk most of the time). All in all though, Elaine Karis is a great baby and such a joy for our family!
I'll leave you with a few pics...

What is going on here?

Ummmm... How does this thing work?


1 comment:

The Campbell Family said...

Soo cute! :) Thanks for the picture updates. She is so adorable.