This past month has been so much fun for our family! Elizabeth is more mobile; she is walking more and more everyday. She also has become excellent with her receptive language. She follows directions like, "Go get your night night book," and "It's time for a bath, let's go!" and "Bring me your shoes." Elizabeth has also become quite the parrot. Though her words don't always sound like you would expect an adult to say them, she is really good with communication. Here are some of her words: Momma, Daddy, ball, bye bye, more, baby, bear, uh-oh, no, yes, play, diaper, duck, book, more, dog, bite, and that. Another accomplishment this month has been learning her body parts. So far, she can point to her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, belly button and toes and clap her hands.
Our little munchkin loves to dance and "sing" to her multiple musical toys. By chance tonight we discovered her love for Dancing with the Stars. We don't even watch it usually, but when we got home from our walk tonight, I just flipped on the tv, and it was on. Elizabeth went crazy and danced away!
Here are a few recent pics:)
I can get onto my rocking horse all by myself! Aren't I such a BIG girl!?!
I have learned to blow kisses XOXO... this melts the hears of many. I give Momma and Daddy real kisses too!
I love my friends! I love pretty much everyone, especially if they smile at me. I am sure to wave to anyone within a hundred yards!
I am VERY mischievous! If you can't find me, a few of my favorite hiding spots are under the bed, behind the couch, in my Tupperware cabinet, or my most favorite... very near Kyleigh's bowl!
She is such a cute girl! Those are some great pictures.
Umm...precious! As soon as this blasted research paper is turned in (next Tuesday), I'm coming to play!!! :)
melt your heart is right!!
She's beautiful!!! I love that last pic!!! What a cutie!!! :)
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