Monday, September 26, 2005

A New Addition

Hey everyone,

We have some exciting news! We have a new puppy! Her name is Kyleigh (pronounced ky-lee)and she is an 8 week old beagle puppy. We picked her up on Friday, so the last few days have been crazy trying to train her, get her adjusted to her new home, and take care of her. She likes to howl around 3 a.m. and chew on shoes.

In other news, The Well is going strong. We are through our third week of weekly gatherings and halfway through our teaching series, "what is love?" It's been a lot of fun and hard work. The Lord is certainly blessing it as we recently have seen two Well attendees give their life to the Lord. We have also have seen a core group of people get excited about spiritual transformation of a community(s) around them. Last week, we took the first step in reaching out as we handed out about 750 "rave cards" to students at Felician College nearby. If nothing else was gained, our students are beginning to catch a vision for what we see here in NJ.

Kyleigh just hangin' out...

Angela is into her fourth week as a 1st grade teacher and going strong. Please pray that she would get some rest before long. Our biggest prayer request right now is just for our time and energy. It seems that the busiest time of my week is Saturday and Sunday and hers is the rest of the week and so it is hard for her to recoop on the weekends like other teachers.

To add to the time strain, I began seminary classes about two weeks ago and am already behind. Fortunately, my self-paced online class is taking fall break so there are no new assignments this week, so i can use the next week to play catch up.

We love you guys. Thank you for your commitment to our ministry and our lives. We know that God is answering prayers for us and for this place and for our church.

For His glory,

justin and angela

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