Tuesday, September 6, 2005

A Big Week!!!

Hey everyone,

We are in the middle of one of the biggest week in our ministry here! We are in the process of launching The Well, a ministry you have heard about for some time now, but are in the home stretch of launching as a public gathering! This Sunday we are holding the first official public gathering at BCI! We have done a lot over the summer to help publicize this gathering and build unity with the college students and young adults in our church, and now the time has come to officially begin outreach to the campuses and communities surrounding BCI.

Our first message series is entitled, "What is love?" and will focus on the way the world looks at love versus the way God looks at love. We are very excited as we have nailed down most of our plans for the next few weeks. Also, we now have a very talented worship band to lead us. But most importantly, The Well is something our college students and young adults are taking ownership over and really promoting it among their friends.

Also, The Well is adopting a social cause every quarter. The first social cause we are promoting through financial giving, prayer, and service is to help out the victims of Hurricane Katrina. If you would like to help out this cause, please click on this picture:

This has also been a huge week for us as Angela started teaching today! She is teaching first grade at Abundant Life Academy about 10 minutes away in Nutley, NJ. Please continue to lift up our ministry here in the Garden State and in the NYC metro area. Also, please let us know how you are doing, especially if we haven't talked to you in a while. We really miss everyone in Texas!

For His glory,


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