Friday, October 9, 2009

16 Months

Oh, Elaine Karis is growing growing growing and her personality is blossoming! I cannot tell you how funny she is- the precious personality God has given her is sure to bring a lot of laughs throughout her life! Elaine's receptive language is insane, but because her expressive language hasn't quite caught up, she can go to some crazy extremes to get her point across. The tantrums are frequent, but she is learning that we don't respond and coming out of them more quickly. She is definitely not going to be a pushover, and some recent occurrences tell me that I am going to have keep an eye on my little bully. A couple of nights ago, Elizabeth had what she wanted; Elaine tackled her, pulled on her shirt and ripped the toy out of her hand. Elizabeth laid on the floor in shock! Yikes! We have an assertive little gal on our hands! I pray we are able to guide these persistent characteristics in a healthy way for the glory of God:)

Favorites these days:
-"VI"- Vitamins (good for the swine flu season)- anytime I open the medicine cabinet where they are stored, Elaine begins chanting "VI, VI, VI, VI!" After I open the bottle and get one out, she ceases her chanting for a simple "Eas" (please).
- "Nack"- Snack- Elaine is eating pretty much non stop these days! Especially the carbs... animal crackers, graham crackers, saltines, etc. Others faves include dried apricots, cheese "ees", yogurt "yo"
- "Bags"- Purses- She walked in the kitchen with a purse on her shoulder announced, "Bye Bye" and toddled her way into the playroom.
- "Bock"- Blocks- Elaine builds some pretty incredible towers "toss"!
- "Dawgs and Buzz" Dogs and birds. (still trying to distinguish 4 legged animals by their name rather than all as dogs:)
- Climbing, washing her hands, baby dolls, oatmeal, pasta, the wind in her face, puzzles, Daddy (anytime i reference "Justin or Daddy" during the day, she begins looking around and calling "DaDa? DaDa?")
-Being a little mommy. If someone else takes off their shoes or sets down their cup, Elaine is quick to return the items to their rightful owner. She will also "guide" her little friends and help them obey. This usually consists of Elaine pulling or pushing her girlfriend toward her mommy who is calling her. Oh funny, funny!

curls + bow = cute!

Contemplating what to do with this thing in my hair...

All Done!

Lizzie's Little Sister is now going to be the Middle Child... should be interesting!

A pic taken in the bathroom mirror. I actually think the angle and the way I am holding Elaine make my bump appear a little larger than it is. I did however cross over into maternity pants this week. Ahhhh, the comfort of elastic!
Dancin' In the Rain


Kristie said...

BABY BELLY!!!! I love your cute little baby belly. :)

Love the Elaine updates. She's precious!

The Campbell Family said...

What a cutie!! Some of the "head strong" stories remind me of ones I've heard of myself from childhood. ;) Love the baby belly. Aren't maternity pants wonderful?! (I really love how comfy they are).