Wednesday, December 10, 2008

6 Months

Are you kidding me? My baby is getting to be a big girl! Lots of firsts this month. Elaine has mastered sitting up without support and purposefully rolling/scooting to get where she wants to be (or sometimes stuck!). She has also ventured into the world of real food! Rice cereal, green beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, and apple sauce are all we have tried so far. My crazy girl loves her veggies but is still not as thrilled about fruit. I have to mix it with rice cereal, so the taste is not so strong. She has started saying da-da-da-da which is super cute and fun. No teeth yet, but some days I wonder if there is not something trying to poke through. Still spitting, but not nearly as bad as it used to be! At her 6 month check up, she weighed 15 lb 8 oz and was 26'' long, just below the 50th percentile in weight and about the 70th percentile in length. Although she does have a few rolls, she is a pretty petite little thing! Elaine's favorites these days inclue her Lamb Chop snuggly friend, pulling Lizzie's hair, hearing herself "talk," giggling, Kyleigh, books, playing with her friends (a serious game of tug o' war broke out between her and Juliet the other night!), sitting up like a big girl, being able to see and hear Mommy and blowing raspberries.

Here is our little cutie patootie!

ps-If you have a little one, these flowers are an awesome toy! They were Lizzie's, then borrowed by another family, and now Elaine's loves them! (Thanks Martha, Matt and Mae for a great toy!) Lamaze is the maker.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

She is a tiny little thing. Next time I'm at your house I might sneak her in my purse and bring her home with me. ;)