Monday, November 5, 2012

Seven Days of Olivia Rae... Day 5

Day 5 is for PARTY!  By the time you get to plan your third One Year Old birthday party, you get smart!  For Lizzie's first birthday we FILLED our house and backyard with everyone imaginable, and at the end of the party, Lizzie was hiding in the corner playing with her favorite old toys.  For Lainie's, we toned it down considerably and just invited her little friends, because you know, they do so much interacting with one another.  While this was better, it still was a bit chaotic and brought unnecessary stress.  For Miss Liv, we had just our family over for lunch and cupcakes on Sunday.  It was perfect!
A few highlights:
-Liv likes croutons and ice... lunch of champions! (Gotta save room for your cupcake!)
-Olivia clearly has learned from her Momma... waste NO time when there are cupcakes involved!  There is no shame in needing a bath after a good dessert:!
-A last minute gift from my Granny of a light up ball was the hit of the day!
-Lainie's job was opening cards and Lizzie's was reading them.
-A good part of the day was spent pointing at Paw Paw and laughing.
-Olivia was a good sport about letting everyone hold her and love on her:)
 Let's Get this PARTY started!
 Playing Peek A Boo with Chelsie
 She saw me pick up the camera, and this is what I got!
 I'm pretty sure Lizzie thinks I am am incompetent mother.  She was holding Liv's hand, thinking I would let her touch the candle.  What a protective Big Sis!

 The only pic with Mommy:)

 Almost conquered!
 Lots of LOVE!


 Time for a BIG GIRL kitchen:)
 Do you see those curls?!

 Our first ball popper for the Bassett home:)

Sharing with Grammy and Nana:)

 What a gift to have 3 great grandparents still alive!

 I need my ball back PLEASE!
Look Grandaddy! 
 Look Mamaw! I got a big girl cup like Lizzie and Lainie!
 Pretty sure she is a genius... She turned the faucet and made the water sound:)
 All to myself!
Oh, Pop...
Lizzie and Lainie took the job of arranging pictures very seriously!
 Our sweet photogenic girl!
My favorite banner I have made so far with my Silhouette 
All Partied Out, but still SMILING!

1 comment:

Ally said...

I am loving these posts, Ang. You have such a sweet family with such precious little ones! You are making me want another one :)