Monday, April 12, 2010

After 2 Months

Saturday would have been Charlotte Jane's 2 month birthday. A lot has happened in the last 2 months and our family continues to do well. Please don't mistake our doing well for us being strong people; rather we have been strengthened greatly by our faithful God. When an unexpected scenario brings sadness and a longing for our baby, He is there to bring great comfort. When Lizzie asks a tough question, He is there to speak through us in a way she can grasp. When we just need to smile He brings laughter to our home. When we need to know we are not alone He brings along a friend to speak Truth into our hearts. Our God is sooooo good!
There have been a couple of key elements of our healing this month. Thanks to a lot of credit card points, the generosity of Angela's parents to donate their hotel rewards points, and Justin's parents' willingness to take the girls for several days, we were able to get away to DC and Virginia for a few days. It was a refreshing time for us to just relax and enjoy each other. Also, while we were away, we had the opportunity to visit our friends Kyle and Christine who recently planted a church in Charlottesville. Our time together was really good as we talked about life and the goodness of God despite challenging circumstances. After several days of just being with Justin, I definitely felt like I came home from our trip a better mommy!
Our girls' favorite song lately is actually just the bridge to a great song called
All I Have is Christ. We have been singing "Hallelujah, all I have is Christ! Hallelujah, Jesus is my life" over and over and over around here lately, and it never gets old. The reminder that every ounce of my life should be about Jesus and that He is truly all I have that is promised gives purpose to my moments and my days and peace in the storms, and hallelujah! He is worthy of praise through it all!
My most unexpected sad moment this month came at the dentist office... They took some impressions, and the cement stuff they used was the same stuff they used to make Charlotte's sweet little footprint for us. I was overwhelmed momentarily with sadness, and then my sweet Jesus reminded me that Charlotte's feet that were crippled in her time here on earth are now made perfect in the presence of Him who makes all things new! Her pain is no more and she is FREE, just as her name indicates! That turned my tears into a smile...
Tonight Justin and I were able to go to the cemetary and put some flowers there. We walked up to see a heart drawn in the dirt saying "we love you". It was a precious reminder that we are not walking this road alone; thank you heart drawer:)
WE love you too Charlotte Jane! Thank you for all you continue to teach us.


Dressed-Up Dots said...

love, love, LOVE you all....

Kristie said...

Love you guys...

Unknown said...

LOVE...thank you Charlotte Jane for all you continue to teach all of us as well through your precious family and your AWESOME God.

Matt and Sarah Pitts said...

Thanks for sharing Angela; everything you share is so precious. We're grateful for you guys.

The Mosiers said...

Thank you for sharing your journey. We love you guys. Amazed at how Charlotte Jane continues to teach us and show us the awesomeness of our God.

The Campbell Family said...

I think I would've cried when I saw the heart in the dirt too. Glad our Lord is continuing to make you strong. Love you Ang and family!