Monday, October 1, 2007

Our Big Girl!!

Well, Elizabeth in officially a toddler! She has taken a few steps; yet her strong willed personality is very evident!!! "I will walk when I feel like it Momma and Daddy!" is what she appears to be saying when we try to get her to show off.
Anyway, she keeps us laughing and smiling and thanking our God for the little things. I love that she is amazed by a light switch, the feel of flower petals, the light shining through the trees, and bubbles! What great reminders of the intricacies of our God and His presence in the seemingly small things.
Here are a few pics from her 1st Birthday Party as well as a few other fun ones.


Kristie said...

Yea for first steps!!! That's my cue to come over and play... ;) Let's talk soon!

Sarah said...

that is one cute kid

FordeFam said...

Such a sweet little girl!!! :) So exciting that she's starting to walk! Lenci was like that...she could walk but wouldn't keep walking if she realized she was doing it! Hahaha! Don't you just wonder what's in their little heads? :)