Friday, July 22, 2005

Angela Finally Writes!

Angela and her mom!!!

Susan, Angela, and Lindsay chillin' at Central Park!

Wow! It is so great to finally be here!! Many people have asked if it feels like home yet, and the honest answer is YES! It is amazing how the place God desires you to be is truly home, and He has caused this little apartment in Garfield, New Jersey to be just that. I am so thankful for my sweet Momma who used a week of her "vacation" to work like crazy to help us set up the apartment and make it feel homey.

A beautiful sunset in NYC!

This past week has been a lot of fun as many of our students are returning from their mission trip to the Philippines. Though they are still battling jet lag, we have been able to hang out with many of them which has really gotten me excited about the potential The Well has to make a huge impact in this area. I had a little taste of home on Wednesday as I got to see many of the students and families from Christ Community while they were in the city for their mission trip. I even got to experience "the secret rooms of Chinatown" with them. What a blessing to see so many youth from back home excited about doing ministry here! You are all welcome back anytime, and you always have a place to stay... well maybe not 29 of you at once!

Yesterday, I got to do one of the things I have always wanted to do! The Leadership Journey (the team that Justin is working with) had a team building day at Central Park, and I tagged along. Everyone was only there for about 2 hours and then all left to do their own thing. Lindsay, Susan, Justin and I stayed around and just layed in the park under a tree reading, singing, and chatting for a couple of hours. It was so much fun! We even borrowed a football from a couple of guys and played a game of catch! The real fun began though when we hurriedly jumped on a train at our transfer station on the way home only to find out it was the wrong one!!!!! We recognized the name of a town that was one of the stops, so we got off, only to recognize nothing and have no clue where we were. Fortunately we have really great friends at church who ended their date early to come and find us at a 24 hour Dunkin Donuts. We frequently laugh at ourselves here, and it is very humbling to have to depend on others so often!
We are looking forward to Jennifer and Janet (Justin's sister and mom) coming to visit today! Hopefully we can get them on the right train to see some sights in the city and do some shopping! Thank you for all of your prayers and support! We love you so much and are thankful to have friends and family like you!

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